Heyo! my name is,
Mees Post
I'm currently wrapping up my final year at ROC Midden Nederland in Amersfoort. Throughout my studies, I've really enjoyed diving into different programming languages and frameworks. Started with the basics like HTML and CSS, then worked my way through JavaScript and PHP. I've also taken on more challenging languages like C# and Rust. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with TypeScript and modern frameworks like React, Vite, and Next.js. One of my favorite recent projects involved working with Storybook and the NL Design System
Outside of my studies, I enjoy watching movies and TV series, listening to music, and playing games. I am primarily interested in Frontend, and I am enthusiastic about continuing to learn and master new skills in this field.
Gemeente Voorbeeld
contributedCollaboration between Frameless, NL Design System and VNG to help new municipalities get started with their website. The project is built with Next.js, TypeScript, and the NL Design System.
NL Design System storybook
contributedI set up the storybook for the nldesignsystem.nl website